Most people would think this is an extremely high quality figure. He’s not. He would be, but there are three glaringly obvious errors.
First, if he’s going into Normandy, he wouldn’t have his paratrooper aid kit tied to his helmet. That came later.
Second, he’s dressed and equipped for Normandy, but the parachute he’s wearing wasn’t put into US service until Market Garden.
Third, he’s carrying a Carbine, but he has a Griswold Bag. The Griswold Bag was used to carry a disassembled M1 Garand.
I don’t mean to sound overly critical. I’m not. This figure should be able to be purchased in the $50-$60 range. You could buy him at that price, and leave him “close”. Or you could buy him and spend another $30-$40 to make him right.
However, he’s listed for nearly $150 plus shipping. If you have that money to spend, buy one of the quality kit figures from Dragon, put him together, and make him yours. Stay away from spring-sprung.